Well, we are back! Our Internet has been on the fritz for a few weeks, so we have plenty to update you all on.

Since our last post (Brian's Birthday) we have celebrated Addison's first Halloween, which included a trip to Lauren's school to see the ever popular Halloween Parade. She has had her 2 month check up, and my oh my!!! This little girl loves her groceries!! She has gained 4 pounds and grown 2 inches since she was born!! What a great eater!! She has retired the bassinett in mom and dad's room to be in her "big girl crib" in her own room!! She seems to be sleeping much better. She is averaging about a 6 hour sleeping stretch on most nights before she decides it's time for an early morning snack!

Dad, Gabby and Lauren are constantly making sure that Addison is getting EVERYTHING her little heart desires. It seems that she has mastered the "fake cry" just so they will come to her bekon call! Amazingly enough dad and big sisters have not figured out her little plan :) Mom, on the other hand, has figured out that if she just keeps her fed and changed, everything will be A-OK.
We have also experienced Addison's first giggle's and smiles. Oh how we forget how much fun it is to make a baby laugh!! Too bad you can't just bottle it and save it for those days when they grow up all too fast!

Gabrielle and Lauren are doing great! They are both getting fabulous grades in school, and staying very busy! Gabrielle just celebrated her 15th Birthday yesterday! She has started her first "real job". She is working at the University of Utah in the consessions stand selling fast food, and getting paid to talk to everyone! What a perfect fit!!! Lauren is doing the Junior Jazz Program again this year for Basketball. She is doing great and is super fast at defending the ball. She sticks to her opponent like glue!

Miriah and Shannah will be here this week to celebrate Thanksgiving with us. We are getting family pictures done this week and having Addison blessed with her 2nd cousin Allison on Thanksgiving morning.. We have 4 extended families coming, so we decided to have a joint baby blessing at the church so that everyone would be able to attend. I think it will be awesome!! The two girls are only 2 weeks apart, and Addison has her cousin by at least 5 pounds! Isn't it wonderful to be a baby and everyone keeps track of how much weight you have GAINED instead of when you get older and it is so cool to LOOSE weight...... Ahhhhhh........ To be a baby!!
Heather, what a darling little girl! How fun. Wish you the best Thanksgiving and Blessing!
Addie is such a doll! Gabby and Lauren are growing up way too fast:). Tell Gabby Happy Birthday from us and hopefully we'll see you before Christmas when we come to look at the lights at Temple Square. We should do dinner or something.
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