Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy, Happy Easter!!!

Boy! The Easter Bunny was good to our family this year!!!
We spent 5 days in Thermopolis, Wyoming with Grandma Wendy, Les, Uncle Frank, Uncle Merrill, Aunt Gail, and Darci for our first ever Easter camping trip! Upon our arrival, we were pleasently suprised (well, I was!) with a new (well, new to us!!!) hard sided camper, and a special letter from the easter bunny welcoming us into the Hard Sided Camper Club!!! I can't remember a suprise that went off that well without me finding out!! I guess everyone knew about it but me!! How does that happen?? Anyway, I cried a little, then I did alot of "Happy Dances" during our vacation. So long little pop-up camper. Thank you for all of the good times and memories!! We hope your next owner finds as much joy in you as we did!

We spent alot of time in the Mineral Hot Pools, and Addison got to go swimming in a "BIG" pool for the very first time with Grandma!! I am pretty sure that she is wondering why we had to come back home!!! The bathtub just isn't the same! :)

Our family did alot of site seeing that none of us had ever experienced in the little town of Thermopolis. I grew up close to there, and we saw things I never knew were there. We went to the Wax Museum, The Dinosaur Museum, The fameous "Star Plunge" pool, drove through the Buffalo Farm, walked around the mineral mountains, and made the swinging bridge "SWING". I think the other tourists there thought we were trying to see how far we could watch the tourists fling off of the side!! Some of them were experiencing a little terror for their vacation memory book! LOL!! Nobody was hurt or injured, but boy was it funny to watch!

We also celebrated Addison's 7-month birthday! Lemon cake with cream cheese frosting. YUMMMM!!!It always seems like she is napping, or down for the night when we partake of the sacred monthly birthday cake! Oh well, I guess she can have a whole one on her 1-year birthday! :) I cannot believe how fast time is flying by! I was planning on getting her pictures taken for her 6-month birthday, and somehow last month felt like 3 days! OOPS! Sorry Addie, we missed it. Now your pictures (scheduled for this Saturday) will be conveniently called: "Your First Spring!" AHHHHH.....Isn't it great how inventive we get after we have a few kids!!

Thank you Grandma, Les, and everyone else for making our Easter vacation one we will NEVER forget. As for "NOMAD", welcome to our family!! We cannot wait to take you on many more adventures with us!!